T4N2 Heritage College Newsletter
Staff Changes
Community Feedback
Heritage Fair Highlights
Tabloid Sports
Sports Uniform Transition
Heritage Cricket
Lower Primary - Rochelle Bailye
Middle Primary - Jo Weedon
Upper Primary - Jason Hauser
Upper Primary - Brett Arnold
Lower Secondary -Jo Cheek & Julie Samuel
Lower Secondary - Chris Ryan
Lower Secondary - Sarah Burney
Upper Secondary - Shannon Kennedy
HeLP Awards
Student Wellbeing - Jen Dodson

Well what a year it has been for us all! A massive thank you to all for your flexibility and support as we navigated through the restrictions and impact of COVID, particularly in the first two terms and all settle down to the new normal.
However despite these challenges, your children have continued their learning on and off site thanks to the dedication of all staff across the College in their various roles, working together with you. They have participated in the superb Primary and Secondary musicals experiencing music and drama with those of different ages.
We wish our Y12’s who leave us the absolute best for the next stage of life’s journey as they take the values of our College along with memories, and we say goodbye to some families who have been with us for a long while. At the other end of the College, we have been welcoming our Foundation children for 2023 to our transition mornings and their parents who join our special Heritage Community.
As at the end of any academic year, there are changes to personnel and these are in a separate section of the newsletter below. For those who leave us, we are extremely appreciative of their dedication and labour of love, and we wish God’s blessing on their next stage of life. We are also excited to have new expertise and experience to join our Heritage teaching team with changes in both Primary and Secondary.
A massive thank you to our considerable number of volunteers who have enabled us to enrich your child’s learning. This is through many ways whether extra reading support in Junior Primary, giving an interactive presentation to support the curriculum, helping on an excursion or even giving up a week for camp! These experiences are so valuable in helping your children to make progress, bringing learning to life and developing self-confidence as they mature on their learning journey. This would not happen without your support. We would love even more volunteers next year, as our enrolments grow, to enable this to continue.
Throughout the year, we have witnessed superb community wide support at our Swimming Carnival, Sports Day, Dragon Days and Wizard of Oz musicals and then recently at the P&F Summer Fair. So a big thank you for showing how much you value our students, encouraging them with your example and your love for our College with your many ways of support, showing them in action how to ‘follow his steps.’
May you all have a great Summer break with family and friends. May God keep you safe and, if our Lord Jesus Christ has not come, we will see you on the 30th of January 2023 (God willing).
‘O give thanks unto the LORD: for he is good: because his mercy endures for ever’ (Psa 118 v 1).
Justin Robinson
Staff Changes
We will be saying goodbye to the following staff who will be leaving our Heritage Community. They have been dedicated, valuable members who will be missed and we pray that God will remember them for good for their loving service. They are:
Frank and Catrina de Vries who after a term of long service leave now, are moving on with a new chapter in their life and we wish them well after two decades of transporting generations to and from Heritage College and storing the buses in a labour of love. They served in Maintenance and Cleaning of our site contributing to how fantastic it looks today.
Joanna Weedon leaves to follow her career aspirations to teach deaf students and Sue Lomman for personal circumstances. Both have been fantastic teachers in our Middle and Upper Primary school who have supported the development of our students, including those with special educational needs and the development of colleagues.
Emma Sanderson left last week for parental leave and Rachel Morrison and Naomi Tretola both leave at the end of the year for the same reason. We wish God’s richest blessing on them all and their expanding families and look forward to seeing their little ones.
Elisa Wiafe leaves as our Home Group, English and Health teacher and we are very thankful for her stepping in to help with the gap we had in covering these subjects. We are pleased that she will be returning to help in the Primary School with regular cover in 2023.
We are delighted that Dan Crispin will be joining our Secondary teaching team to increase the subjects we can offer with STEM as well as Maths and Science. We are also excited to welcome Caitlin Dodson to our Junior Primary team, Jesslyn Witton and Nicole Lagowski to our Middle Primary team, Elisabeth (Bess) Ryan to our Upper Primary team. Also, Hannah Mitchelson returns after parental leave and will fulfil the role of Learning Support coordinator.
We have been so blessed by our God to have these teachers join us all, who bring a wealth and range of experience and a love of our ethos. I am sure that you will make all of them welcome to our unique special Heritage Community.
Community Feedback
I just wanted to send a thank you for your continuous support throughout this year. It has been an absolute pleasure to provide services at Heritage. The students are intelligent, creative, and kind-hearted and have been a delight work with. All the wonderful staff have been nothing but supportive and have made me feel very welcome within this environment – please feel free to pass this message onto the front desk and faculty! Once again, a massive thank you - wishing Heritage College nothing but the best for the future!
Zoe de Jonge (Liberty Speech Therapist)
I had a great day with all the classes doing Orienteering, apart from setting up in the rain. The kids were all so so good. The staff was so friendly and helpful, and the best principal I’ve met for a while. You are lucky to teach in such a great environment. Please invite me back anytime! Cheers.
Zita (Orienteering Coach)
We had a great morning, your staff are all so friendly & the students were great to work with.
Lara Kelly (State Manager - The School Photographer - 360 Filming)
Heritage Fair Highlights

Tabloid Sports
A big thank you to all those who supported our Tabloid Sports BBQ Lunch. Thanks also to all the mums that helped cook & serve lunch to our students! Together we raised $1050 for our school!

Sports Uniform Transition

Heritage Cricket
During Term 4 the Primary Year 5/6 cricket team (Maroons) played against two other schools but missed 3 rounds due to the rainy weather. These schools were Stradbroke Primary and Prospect Primary, and they played each Saturday morning. Three games were played against Stradbroke and the Heritage team won all three. Prospect was played against on the weekend, and it was the last game for the year. Heritage was beaten by Prospect by 43 runs in a see-sawing contest. There is a ‘Most Valuable Player’ (MVP) awarded each game and so far, this term Austin Scott, Jude Gore, Lewis Arnold, Josiah Atkins, and Charlotte Scott have managed to win it. In fact, Lewis Arnold created Heritage cricket history this term. Ever since we started in this competition back in 2010, no bowler has managed to do what Lewis did – take 4 wickets in one over to win a game. Lewis finished up with figures of 4/2 including his 4-wicket maiden over against one of the Stradbroke teams and was presented with the match ball. The MVP winner for 2022 will be announced at the Primary Presentation Assembly on the last morning of the term at which, the players will also receive their medals. I would particularly like to thank Uncle Phil Gore for coaching the team and Uncle Dave Gore for umpiring each match and the parents for rising early each Saturday morning and supporting myself and the team. We hope to do it all again next year, God willing.
Brett Arnold, Team Manager

Lower Primary - Rochelle Bailye
This term our spiritual theme has been ‘Lessons from Birds’. It has been wonderful learning about a variety of birds and thinking about lessons we can learn from them! We have made some lovely artwork each week, relating to the bird of the week.

Middle Primary - Jo Weedon
This term we have been enjoying our bible studies through the theme of: Lessons from Birds. So far, we have looked at the raven, the dove, the owl, the hen, the hawk and this week we learned about the swallow. Uncle Jason Hauser shared with us lots of information about the swallow and all the wonderful details God put into His design for the swallow. We then were able to share in class what we had learned through either poetry, a drawing or doing origami. Have a look at some of the wonderful examples our class made this week.
Swallow Poem
My small little swallow flying gently through the air
Whooshing down gracefully and landing on my hair!
Taking off with loop-the-loops
Then flying through my hoops,
I love my little swallow,
I take him everywhere.
I watch my little swallow as it picks up a little twig,
It flies up to his nest where he puts his little fig.
My swallow is there all night long,
In the morning he chirps a little song.
God made my swallow little because he’s not meant to be big.
By Miah Wang and Anastasia Williams

Upper Primary - Jason Hauser
Year 6 Kayak Training Day and Ankara Camp, Walker Flat
On Tuesday of Week 5, in preparation for our camp, the Year 6 students spent a day at West Lakes to be trained in the basics of kayaking by a team of instructors from Active Education. Having enjoyed our preparation day, we arrived at school the next morning with a great deal of excitement and anticipation. We packed our luggage, attached the trailer, and headed off in the bus to the Ankara Youth Camp for our adventure along the banks of the swollen Murray River. Due to the increased water flow in the Murray River, we used Lake Bywater for our kayaking experiences.
Here are some reflections about the Year 6 camp in the students’ own words…
I loved the games we played and the puzzles we solved outside on the grass. The view from the lookout was unexpectedly amazing and it was fun to go on a ferry. (Katelyn)
The weather for our camp was great for kayaking and I learned to be more confident with kayaking. The games nights were hilarious. We played games that I didn’t know even existed. It was nice to have plenty of free time to play with our classmates and I really liked that we could sleep with our friends in a dorm. (Eve)
I really liked making rafts and sinking in the water when we tested them. Also, it was fun to stand up in our kayaks and just have time to play together with all the Year 6s. (Rochelle)
I loved being in a dorm with my friends. I really liked the games we played on the kayaks. It was challenging building the rafts and tidying up the whole campsite before we left. (Abigail)
The food was absolutely amazing and I enjoyed being in a dorm with my friends. (Jin)
I was surprised that kayaking wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I liked writing my story on the bus and playing bump on the basketball court with one another. (Mia)
I enjoyed the walk to the lookout and the games nights. (Ezra)
I loved the view from the lookout- it was incredible! The most challenging part of kayaking was rafting all together. My most favourite things about the camp were the games night and the activities we did while the other group was kayaking. (Zaylia)
My favourite thing about camp was how we ate our afternoon tea on the water in our kayaks. We had such nice weather and I loved waking up each morning with friends and seeing the sun rising over the cliffs near the river. (Niu Niu)
The camp was really good fun. I really liked the people who were in my dorm and the food that was prepared for us. (Levi)
I liked the bus rides and enjoyed making the rafts. The campsite was nice and clean and a lovely spot to stay. (Hannah)
Kayaking in the lake was calming and exciting at the same time, and it was a lot of fun eating our morning tea in our kayaks. I found it really difficult not to get sunburnt though. (Georgia)
I liked the kayaking but not all the spiders that were in my kayak. I was pleased that the campsite had a basketball court, and it was fun to be in a dorm with my friends. (Jake)
My favourite parts of the camp were the walks up to the lookout and seeing the campsite from above. I also liked sharing a dorm with my friends and the games nights. (Austy)
It was fun getting the chance to be in the water and I enjoyed staying up late with our games nights. (Jethro)
The food on camp was surprisingly good and the activities for the games nights were really fun. I enjoyed raft building and kayaking on the lake. (William)
It was nice to be given a bit of time to wander around with our friends in the morning. I was surprised that I had actually done 3 hours of kayaking. (Elijah)
On camp, I loved the food, playing basketball and going to the river- but I didn’t expect the river to be that flooded! (Denzel)
We laughed and talked and worked together as one big team. Thanks so much to the team of very capable volunteers who helped make the camp such a success: Abigail Arnold, Ben Pillion, Craig Farren, Jackie Brown, Jamie Scott, Jonathan Healy, Julia Knowles and Matt Jeffress. It was also lovely to share the experience with our teachers Rachel Morrison and Jason Hauser. Thanks again to Paul Grainger for driving us from the campsite and to Brain Mee and Caleb Deadman for getting all the equipment we needed to take ready for us. We are grateful to our heavenly Father who richly provides all things for us to enjoy. We had a blast together.

Upper Primary - Brett Arnold
The cricketing body SACA invited cricket teams from local primary schools to visit Adelaide Oval to experience a session of Sheffield Shield cricket and enjoy some hands-on activities. All 12 players of our Primary Heritage cricket team attended the day, along with Uncle Dave Gore who umpires our Saturday morning matches. The South Australian Redbacks were playing the Queensland Bulls and although the game was good to watch, no wickets were taken while we were there. During the session our team went to the practice wickets to participate in some batting and bowling activities and to meet some of the Redbacks players. During the lunch interval in the cricket, our players were allowed onto the Adelaide Oval (the actual turf) for a photo. It was an excursion enjoyed by all.
Brett Arnold

Lower Secondary -Jo Cheek & Julie Samuel
Students created their own ecosystems and listed the biotic and abiotic factors, the organisms present and the symbiotic relationships between them.

Year 7 Science lessons have been a lot of fun with students learning about the wonderful creation of our Almighty Father. They have learned about the various complex creatures that God created and did a presentation at the end of the last term where they must choose four animals and do research on them. They needed to include any scriptural references in the research related to the animal and then finally present it to the whole class. This term, students have designed a model of their chosen animal and created a presentation explaining the behavioural and structural adaptations of the same. They have used, paper mâché, origami and clay models to present their models and have been very creative in their pursuit. Overall, they have enjoyed the learning experience through creating ecosystems, models and PowerPoint presentations.

Lower Secondary - Chris Ryan
As part of PE week, the Year 9 students went to Thornden Park Reservoir for a session on Orienteering. Students were up for the challenge and enjoyed the day. Students have further opportunities in the Outdoor Education options subject and as a class on Year 10 camp. They have also set and run a course at Heritage using our own unique Orienteering map during lessons and Year 7 have introductory sessions at Heritage College.

Lower Secondary - Sarah Burney

Persuasive Writing -
The Year 8 English class have been studying persuasive writing this term. We learned about the three pillars of persuasion:
- Pathos – appeal to emotion. Using powerful words, pictures, or music to engage the audience’s emotions and make them feel something.
- Logos – appeal to logic. Using facts, statistics or reasoning to convince them that your point of view makes sense.
- Ethos – appeal to credibility or authority. Making them trust or believe you, showing that experts or celebrities agree, or giving personal testimonies.

Persuasion in Advertising -
- As part of the unit, we looked at the way advertisements use persuasive techniques to convince people to buy their products.
- Using what they had learned, the Year 8s created their own advertisements, trying to convince someone to buy a real or imaginary product.
- Here are some of the amazing and creative advertisements they came up with!

Upper Secondary - Shannon Kennedy
This semester the 9/10 Tastes of the World class has been creating food products that reflect a chosen cuisine, which were suitable to sell to members of the Adelaide community. As part of this student where required to research areas of relevance, design and refine suitable packaging and create their chosen dish. Here some of their creations:

HeLP Awards
Student Wellbeing - Jen Dodson

In the final part of The Resilience Project's digital series, Hugh shares an important message about allowing our children to experience adversity.
The key to building resilience in our children is allowing them to experience failure, hardship, disappointment etc. As parents, we can be too quick to resolve our children's challenges which can deprive our children of enormous growth opportunities. These typically happen when we experience failure and uncertainty. As parents we should be there for our children when they fail, but not fight their battles for them.
View Part 5 of the series here - Summary https://theresilienceproject.com.au/parent-and-carer-hub-hugh/

October 17 - December 16
- December 8 Year 6 Graduation
- December 9 Year 7-8 Last Day
- December 12 Foundation - Year 7 Transition Day
- December 12 Onsite Year 7 Parent Information Session & Tour
- December 15 Primary Award Presentation morning
- December 15 Reports Published (Foundation - Year 11)
- December 16 Staff Development/Student Free Day
Principal Justin Robinson
Business Manager Adrian Maycock
Enquiries Front Desk
Staff Contact Details available on Sentral under "Resources:Miscellaneous Information: Heritage Contact List or "2022 Secondary Staff Assignments and Emails"
Scott Robson - Chairman/Human Resources | Tea Tree Gully ecclesia
Peter Evans - Deputy Chairman | Salisbury ecclesia
Rod Case - Finance | Enfield ecclesia
Nathan Jolly - Community | Cumberland ecclesia
Peter Tretola - Secretary | Burnside ecclesia
Dan Crispin - Curriculum | Cumberland ecclesia
Josh Williams - Treasurer | Salisbury ecclesia
James Mansfield - Councillor | Mount Barker Ecclesia