T3N2 Heritage College Newsletter 2023
Volunteer Milestone
Parents & Friends Association
Lower Primary - Carolyn Saxon
Lower Primary - Caitlin Dodson
Lower Primary - Jesse Bruce
Middle Primary - Nicole/Jesslyn
Upper Primary - Keren Healy
Lower Secondary - Jo Cheek
Lower Secondary - Jared Burney
Upper Secondary - Dan Crispin
Upper Secondary - Tim Badger
Upper Secondary - Tom Burney
HeLP Awards - Foundation Clark
HeLP Awards - Foundation Saxon
HeLP Awards - Year 1 Dodson
HeLP Awards - Year 1/2 Bailye
HeLP Awards - Year 2 Bruce
HeLP Awards - Year 3/4 Morrison
HeLP Awards - Year 3/4 Lagowski/Witton
HeLP Awards - Year 5/6 Hauser
HeLP Awards - Year 5/6 Healy
HeLP Awards - Year 5/6 Ryan
Student Wellbeing - Hannah Mitchelson
What an amazing musical! Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was a huge success due to the immense teamwork and talent that was displayed over 3 shows! You came and supported and loved the entertainment, seeing your children enjoying performing this family favourite.
This was our 4th Secondary musical and saw a very strong cast perform to a very high standard. The sets and costumes were stunning and the car was a stand-out. What with its easy manoeuvrability, lights , floats and wings for key moments, it was truly spectacular as many of you saw for yourselves. The car was made by Bro Nico Petiet and looked just like the one from the movie! This was an amazing volunteer contribution over a period of months, ably supported by his son our Art teacher Adrian Petiet helping with the paintwork. There were many others of you who engaged with the musical in a many different ways – painting backdrops, making costumes, doing makeup/hair, dropping off props from your own resources, playing in the orchestra and other ways. Over 100 volunteers supported in the build up and with the performances and we were very appreciative and say again a massive collective thank you.
The Secondary musical also provides the real-life context for our business students to market and sell and then evaluate their mini enterprise projects. So your support in buying refreshments is much appreciated as this is part of their educational learning journey. Also, our integrated learning gives the real purpose for the making of costumes, props and backdrops for the show. These are powerful learning experiences that your children thrive in and your support with the wider community helps to prepare and develop their skills for life beyond Heritage.
It was a fantastic achievement musically directed by Kirsty, with musicians led by Alex (who we will miss as he is moving to Perth at the end of the year) acting prompted by Danielle and overall co-ordinated by Evan. All are dedicated and talented staff who inspire and believe in your children to grow and realise their potential for you to see and enjoy. They displayed the spirit of love and devotion that we find recorded of the household of Stephanas ‘…and that they have devoted themselves to the service of the saints’ (1 Cor 16 v 15 ESV).
Justin Robinson
Volunteer Milestone
We officially have reached 100 VOLUNTEERS FULLY REGISTERED here at Heritage College!
A big thank you to all of those who have helped us to reach this milestone. We appreciate the diligence of our volunteers to complete the required reading and online training so that we can benefit from your support by helping out in so many ways.
Parents & Friends Association
Book Week Parade BBQ Lunch
A big thank you to Steve Jeffress & Brenton Mitsos (our BBQ Dads!) & all the mums that helped out with our Book Week sausage sizzle lunch day for this term – together we raised $1360 for our school!
Father's Day Stall
We’d like to say a BIG “thank you” for all the gifts so generously donated towards our stall - our students had great fun ‘shopping’ for their Dads and we hope Father’s Day was thoroughly enjoyed by all! Together we raised $1,150 for our school.
Lower Primary - Carolyn Saxon
The Foundations Aunty Caz’ class grew broad beans from seeds which they took home in their pocket in first term until they sprouted. They then planted them in one of the garden beds and have watered them intermittently since as it’s been quite wet. In week 7 there was great excitement amongst the Fantastic Flyers as the first beans were spotted amongst the green leaves in the garden bed! After they harvested the beans the class each shelled a few and added their beans to the fry pan where they were briefly sautéed in butter and then shared amongst the class.
What do we think about broad beans?
Micah thought the beans were “super delicious – 11/10”
Saoirse said the beans were “buttery”.
Alice thought the “beans were yummy when they were cooked, but when they were raw they didn’t taste good”.
Rosie said “yummy – 10”!
Lower Primary - Caitlin Dodson
Lower Primary - Jesse Bruce
The Year 2, Awesome Astronauts have been learning about the power of digital editing of photos using our iPads. We were set with the task of creating a pop art version of ourselves. To complete the task, we needed to learn how to take pictures, edit images using the sliders and use the Apple Markup tools. In pairs, we took pictures of one another and changed the contrast, exposure, and saturation to make it look black and white and a little cartoony. We then picked bright background colours and added colour and texture with the Highlighter tool. We added a white outline around our bodies and added some black pencil shading for extra detail and to help us pop off the page. After that, we changed the colour of our school uniform. Finally, we created a thought bubble and drew what we were thinking about. We learnt to save it and airdrop our work too! Whilst there were a few challenges along the way, it was an awesome way to improve our Digital tech skills and create some art. We hope you like it!
Middle Primary - Nicole/Jesslyn
Chocolate Magic: A sweet adventure to Haigh’s Chocolate Factory
This term Year 3/4 LW has been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl as our Novel Study. In Writing we have been learning how to write clear and engaging procedural texts. To link these two learning areas together, on Friday the 8th of September our class toured Haigh’s Chocolate Factory on Greenhill Road. Despite the rain we had a marvellous time touring the chocolate factory. Our tour guide Katherine answered lots of questions and we saw how the factory worked and learnt about so many different procedures involved in making chocolate. We marvelled at the mesmerizing machinery and intricate procedures that transform ordinary cocoa beans into mouthwatering delights. While we couldn’t capture the factory’s magic on camera, we have some photos from the shop to share with you and a few of the thank you letters students wrote in appreciation to Katherine for the exciting and informative tour.
Upper Primary - Keren Healy
In 5/6 KH as part of our Art, Design and Technology this term, we have been studying various forms of sculpture using different materials. Primarily we have been learning about using a variety of ‘attachment techniques’ to create free-standing sculptures using cardboard and wood. In completing our study we used these techniques to create 3D animal puzzles. The students designed and tested their animals sculptures first with cardboard, then used that design to draw a pattern, scan and then cut into plywood on the laser cutter in the Tech room.
Lower Secondary - Jo Cheek
In Year 7 HASS, we have been looking at Liveability and Sustainability. As part of this unit, we went to the Kilburn Depot to learn more about recycling and waste management. The Kilburn Depot doesn’t do the actual recycling, they sort the waste and then sell it to companies that turn it into other materials such as plastic boardwalks, playground equipment, and toilet paper!
The Kilburn Depot sort through and bundle 150 tonnes of recycling every day, plus 20 tonnes of rubbish that shouldn’t be in there! The kids learned a lot and asked some great questions about recycling and waste management.
Lower Secondary - Jared Burney
Collaborating with students from Heritage College Knox in Melbourne
Year 8 students have been working hard to prepare for a visit from students from Heritage College Knox in in Melbourne.
Students have been placed in groups consisting of students from both schools and working on a Bible study project together. Each group has chosen a ‘notable’ Bible character and are looking at what makes them notable in the eyes of God in comparison to what our world thinks is notable.
Students have met face to face using Microsoft Teams. You can see an image of Heritage Adelaide students in a meeting as we wait for the Melbourne students to join. They are also able to send messages and share documents allowing them to keep working when the Melbourne students go on holiday next week.
Students have said:
“It’s great to be able to make new connections and friends with these other Heritage kids”.
“I’m excited to actually meet them”.
“It’s great to talk to other students who aren’t Christadephian about Bible characters”.
You will have to opportunity to see their hard work in action in term four. More details will be forthcoming, God willing.
Upper Secondary - Dan Crispin
Headline: Year 7’s Uncover Cookie Surprise!
Subheading: Sweet Surprise as Maths Classroom Average Reveals 14% Chocolate Content
The year 7 students have been delving into the world of fractions, decimals, and percentages through a hands-on math project. Their mission was to test a bold claim on a cookie packet, stating that 20% of the cookies were chocolatey treats.
The budding mathematicians rolled up their sleeves, carefully extracting and weighing chocolate chips from the cookies. The result was an unpleasant surprise - a class average of just 14% chocolate content, debunking the initial claim and causing uproar withing the local cookie consumer community!
This engaging project highlighted the practical application of mathematical concepts and encouraged students to question and validate claims through evidence-based enquiry. A fun-filled learning experience, showcasing math's delicious side!
Upper Secondary - Tim Badger
Here is a summary of the Camp by a couple of Year 10 students:
"The Year 10 Camp took place in the Grampians, Victoria this year instead of the Mambray Creek campsite, as it was closed due to renovations. It was a trial camp, but students and staff alike thought it was a great success! Prior to the camp, we chose a spiritual theme of ‘Kingdom Motivation’ for our focus. The Year 10s separated into groups to prepare various meditations and campfire games during home group sessions leading up to the camp.
On Tuesday 12th September, we left Heritage College at 7:30 am for the six-hour bus ride, stopping at Tailem Bend, Bordertown and Horsham for recess and lunch breaks. We entertained ourselves with a variety of things, from chatting, to reading books, to playing intense card games. Once we arrived at the Cooinda Burrong Scout camp around mid-afternoon there was time to set up swags or tents, before hopping back into the bus to drive to The Balconies lookout. We enjoyed a brief 2km hike to see the sunset and snapped some memorable photos together. Then it was back to the campsite for dinner and dessert, before a meditation was given by the first group of students, in the form of a poem and song. Soon after that, it was off to bed.
On Wednesday morning, it was up and about at 7 am, enjoying bacon and egg muffins with hash browns for breakfast, before packing daypacks, sun protection and lunches and walking down the driveway for about 2 km to the start of the hike. Our group hiked to Mackenzie Falls, stopping occasionally for breaks and to reapply sunscreen. At Mackenzie Falls, everyone ate lunch and took various photos and memoirs of the beautiful waterfalls. Then we hiked back to the campsite for dinner, meditation and played a game of soccer and ‘Storm the Lantern’ before having a good night’s sleep.
Thursday morning it was rise and shine at 7 am again, a quick bite to eat before packing bags and hopping on the bus at 9 for a drive to Halls Gap, where we hiked the Wonderland Loop, around 10km. Everyone enjoyed the hike, especially the scenery! It was a more intense hike than the previous day, and we enjoyed the challenge presented to make it to the Pinnacle to view the beautiful scenery of the Grampians. Stopping for a delicious lunch, we soon hiked back down to the Halls Gap carpark, where we were surprised with tasty popsicles as an afternoon treat. Arriving back at Cooinda Burrong Scout Camp, the Year 10’s packed up anything we wouldn’t need the following morning and helped to pack the trailers. A delicious dinner of chicken yiros, followed by meringues, cream, berries and chocolate sauce. A few last meditations were given, and we sang many songs and hymns around the campfire, before playing a quick game and then going off to sleep.
Friday morning, we awoke bright and early at 6 am, ate a quick breakfast and packed up belongings, before hopping on the bus and travelling back to Heritage College, stopping at the same places to refresh ourselves. A singsong took place on the bus on the way back, which livened up the ride. We arrived back at Heritage College about 2:00, assisting others with their luggage before going to the music room to wind down and have a bit of rest after the camp.
Overall, the Year 10 Camp for 2023 was a huge success! It was great starting the day and ending the day with meditations focusing on the Kingdom. There were many positives of going to the Grampians including a private campsite, bathrooms interspersed throughout the hike, as well as time for us to spend getting to know God’s word, see His creation, as well as sharing time with each other."
Upper Secondary - Tom Burney
In Year 8 Digital Technologies we have begun to use text-based computer code to control robots so they can perform tasks automatically. Students are completing a series of increasingly complex challenges as they become more familiar with how the robots work and more experienced with solving robotics problems. Writing computer code always requires perseverance and so these activities are a good way to develop patience. This is especially true in robotics when so many things can go wrong, not just the code but also the wiring, the gears, the sensor positions, and so on.
The most valuable skill we are practicing here is persistence. Failure and difficulties will challenge us in life and most importantly in our spiritual journey “a righteous person will fall seven times, and then get up again” – Prov 24:16
HeLP Awards - Foundation Clark
Asaph Edgecombe for excellent enthusiasm and attention in Maths lessons.
Archie Milliken for always being friendly and kind to others.
Amos Coish for being a great listener and following instructions.
Margot Wigzell for being a good and kind friend.
HeLP Awards - Foundation Saxon
Violet Hill for a great improvement in your writing!
Vincent Bol Bol for great participation in Maths lessons.
Arabella Phillis for being brave and sharing your creative ideas with the class!
Chloe Mackinnon for consistently setting a good example to others.
Finn Tretola for giving 100% in all that you do!
Isabella Arnold for being a kind and patient friend!
Josephine Johns for consistently striving to produce work of a high standard.
Micah Hill for having such a positive attitude towards learning.
HeLP Awards - Year 1 Dodson
Edison Liu for being eager to learn – especially in math.
Willa Pan for doing an amazing job at writing an information report – especially after being away on holidays when we learnt how to structure it.
Jude Dowling for writing amazing sentences with Aunty Hannah.
Rosie Arnold for designing an amazing party invitation on Freeform in digital technology.
Evie Richards for being an enthusiastic member of the class and making people smile.
Lily Evans for always being willing to help others.
HeLP Awards - Year 1/2 Bailye
Tessa Burney for being a kind, cooperative and hard working student.
Elka Arnold for giving some great real life examples in our Resilience Project lessons.
Adeline Kruger for excellent concentration in class this week.
Indira Steele for working well in class time this week.
Jachin Bennett for getting on with all tasks without any fuss.
HeLP Awards - Year 2 Bruce
Eliana Badger for excellence in creative arts.
Elisabeth Coish for demonstrating resilience in Maths lessons.
Fergus Yuile for willingness to share his expertise in Tech lessons.
Harlequin Clark for effort and creativity in Art lessons.
Sylvester Cheek for focus and determination in Maths lessons.
Rylan Arnold for insightful responses in Read Write Inc lessons.
Eden Crispin for being a positive influence in and out of the classroom.
HeLP Awards - Year 3/4 Morrison
Ozias Colliver for an outstanding week completing all your work to a high standard. Well done!
Venetia Cheek for catching up on a week of work in just 2 days and facing new challenges with a great attitude.
HeLP Awards - Year 3/4 Lagowski/Witton
Parker Scott for putting in an outstanding effort into your Book Week Artwork.
Leo Mitchelson for demonstrating a commitment to learn his timetables.
Silas Jamieson for displaying resilience and completing all of your work even with an injured thumb.
Gilbert Crompton for being a responsible and diligent student in class.
Toby Evans for demonstrating leadership skills when planning actions for the kindness song for the assembly item.
Harmony Badams for demonstrating leadership skills when planning actions for the kindness song for the assembly item.
AmberLee Neil for demonstrating leadership skills when planning actions for the kindness song for the assembly item.
HeLP Awards - Year 5/6 Hauser
Liam Gibbs for being determined to finish work early and for using cursive in all your bookwork.
Jesse BolBol for making great use of learning time and finishing the weekly goals early.
HeLP Awards - Year 5/6 Healy
Max Plail for a well-thought out and designed armature in art.
Elsa Law for an interesting and exciting and heart-wrenching adventure story.
Noah Wilson for a superstar effort in all his work this week.
Esther Beale for taking on the challenge of writing a story event from a different point of view, then going above and beyond expectations!
HeLP Awards - Year 5/6 Ryan
Noah Schwarz for striving to always follow feedback and demonstrating reflection by applying this feedback on following occasions.
Ruby Nolan for showing empathy to others and always being on the lookout to help others.
Zara Phillis for always being in the right place at the right time and demonstrating a cheerful attitude.
Student Wellbeing - Hannah Mitchelson
National Child Protection Week – 3-9th September 2023
Last week was ‘National Child Protection Week’, where the overarching theme was that ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’. This message captures the essence of National Child Protection Week which aims to promote a safe and supported life for every child, now and into the future.
At Heritage, our aim is to ensure that every child is provided a safe and supported environment which enables them to learn and to thrive.
This term, the children in Junior Primary have been completing the ‘Emmy and Friends’ program where they are taught to identify the early warning signs for when they feel unsafe and are encouraged to ‘tell, tell and tell again, until someone listens and helps’. They are also taught to recognise the difference between a safe and unsafe secret and that they are the boss of their own body where they are able to say no to anyone, when it is about their body.
We all know that the use of social media and online activity has increased in our children’s lives and the importance of teaching our children to stay safe when they are online. Here are some ways to keep your child safe online:
July 31-September 29
- September 21st Music Performance Night
- September 22nd Secondary Mid Semester Reports Published
- September 25th Secondary Lunch Day
- September 26th Northern Senior Concert
- September 28th Year 7-11 3 Way Learning Conversations
- September 29th End of Term 3
Principal Justin Robinson
Business Manager Adrian Maycock
Enquiries Front Desk
Staff Contact Details available on Sentral under "Resources:Miscellaneous Information: Heritage Contact List"
Scott Robson - Chairman/Human Resources | Tea Tree Gully ecclesia
Peter Evans - Deputy Chairman | Salisbury ecclesia
Rod Case - Finance | Enfield ecclesia
Nathan Jolly - Community | Cumberland ecclesia
Peter Tretola - Secretary | Burnside ecclesia
Josh Williams - Treasurer | Salisbury ecclesia
James Mansfield - Councillor | Mount Barker Ecclesia