T4N2 Heritage College Newsletter 2023
Out of School Hours Care
Kapalpal School in Tanna
Parents & Friends Association
Lower Primary - Carolyn Saxon
Lower Primary - Caitlin Dodson
Lower Primary - Jesse Bruce
Middle Primary - Jordan Morrison
Upper Primary -Keren Healy
Upper Primary - Rachel Morrison
Lower Secondary - Jo Cheek
Lower Secondary - Amy Flood
Lower Secondary - Jared Burney
Lower Secondary - Dan Crispin
Upper Secondary - Chris Ryan
Upper Secondary - Tim Badger
Upper Secondary -Tom Burney
HeLP Awards - Foundation Clark
HeLP Awards - Foundation Saxon
HeLP Awards - Year 1 Dodson
HeLP Awards - Year 1/2 Bailye
HeLP Awards - Year 2 Bruce
HeLP Awards - Year 3/4 Morrison
HeLP Awards - Year 3/4 Lagowski/Witton
HeLP Awards - Year 5/6 Hauser
HeLP Awards - Year 5/6 Healy
HeLP Awards - Year 5/6 Morrison
The end of Term has come for some and is nearly there for other students. All of your children have grown in their character, skills and understanding within a range of subjects that they have engaged in throughout the year. Their progress and attainment will be shared in the end of year academic reports that come out next week.
Growth has occurred in a number of areas across the school over the year but a real pleasing one to see has been the range of opportunities for collaboration near and far to develop student leadership. Through the strong pastoral care provided by staff, our Captains and Vice Captains have engaged with the Student Representative Council which led to the successful raising of funds for a water bottle filler station. Successful and interactive school tours included the visit from Principals of other Heritage Colleges! Fun fundraisers for causes external and internal to Heritage College happened across the different Terms. Also, for the first time, at the start of Term 4 our new Captains slipped into the role with a smooth transition supporting the Super Slime final fundraiser event and acting as MCs at our Secondary Awards Assembly. They have already undertaken College tours for those looking to join us in 2024!
Collaboration occurred for the first time with students from another Heritage College with Y8s working together online with Heritage College Knox (Melbourne) on a Bible character project through Microsoft Teams. This was an excellent introduction to each other working in small groups that was used to beneficial effect for the first visit of these students to Heritage College Adelaide. Their visit enabled each to learn about their Colleges and their respective histories, compete in sporting competitions and a mixed quiz, challenge themselves on a joint excursion to the Kuitpo Forest ropes course and finish their Bible character projects to present to their parents on the finale night. The standard of what they had learnt about their character and the range of interactive activities at their group’s station were impressive. The mixing caused them to learn about each other and help personal growth, learning what is the reality for others outside of Adelaide and appreciating the strengths of our sister College. Some students have remained in contact having developed new friendships.
Growth continues as we respond to the government and different stakeholders’ needs. A good example of this is the start next year of having the YMCA OSHC at Heritage for working parents. This service was wanted by those of you unable to drop off at the start and pick up at the end of the school day due to employment hours, but still strongly desired for your child(ren) to come to Heritage College. Some have enrolled already but if you have not yet got around to it then please scan the QR code, underneath this article, to enrol your child for regular or casual use of this service. This service will also run all day on staff development days and in some weeks of the holidays according to demand.
Until then we wish you a fantastic Summer break with family and friends. May the LORD keep us all safe over this period and those who travel near and far, as we wait for his son Jesus Christ to return. If God in his longsuffering sees the continuation of this world as we know it then the start of the next school year on the 29th of January 2024. Take care and God bless. “… grow in the grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” 2 Peter 3v18 (ESV).
Justin Robinson
Out of School Hours Care
Kapalpal School in Tanna
Pre-School to Year 10 classes have run with many teachers and staff supporting the students in learning and growing both academically and spiritually.
The photos in this newsletter show each year level with their teacher, and in a consistent uniform that were donated by Heritage College Adelaide.
We thank Abi Sawell for her amazing organisation to collect and send the uniforms to Tanna!
Parents & Friends Association
Tabloid Sports Day BBQ Lunch
A big thank you to Matt Jeffress & Matt Archer (our BBQ Dads!) & all the mums that helped out with our Tabloid Sports Day sausage sizzle lunch for this term – together we raised $990 for our school! Enjoy some photos below.
Entertainment Books
Heritage College is once again selling the all-popular Entertainment Book … now only available in digital format! The purchase price is $70 (with $14 going straight to our school), and is available for purchase via the following link: www.entbook.com.au/16264n0 The digital format is convenient & easy to use on your mobile phone – without the hassle of carrying around your book/card! Thank you for purchasing through Heritage College.
Lower Primary - Carolyn Saxon
On November the 2nd we celebrated Outdoor Classroom Day by taking our learning outside into the sunshine. It was a beautiful day and the conditions were perfect for being outdoors. The Fantastic Flyers’ started the day using their powers of observation to complete a “sky watch”. They looked at the environment around them through ‘viewing frames’ in order to take a mental picture of the sky. What they saw was then recorded as accurately as possible on a graph.
The class then gathered under a shady tree on the grass ready for their next activity. The students were tasked with writing a poem about nature. They had to find an object or ‘treasure’ to describe. They practiced including more interesting describing words to explain how their object felt and looked, for example, it’s colour and shape, whether it was rough, crunchy, smooth, soft etc. They endeavoured to make their writing more interesting by drawing on different vocabulary words than they would ordinarily use. Additionally, their poems had to include an ‘I wonder’ statement to encourage their curiosity and promote deeper thinking. The school grounds were home to many interesting objects including leaves, figs, feathers, stones, branches, and sticks. The Fantastic Flyer’s did a great job of writing their first poem and loved the opportunity to learn in God’s amazing creation!
Lower Primary - Caitlin Dodson
Lower Primary - Jesse Bruce
This semester, our focus has continued to be on developing digital literacy in many different ways. The Year 2s have absolutely loved learning a new set of skills and working through several digital art lessons. We created portraits of ourselves and our buddies, as well as a few teachers. We also made collages of our names using images from all over our classrooms. This was a fun process as we were not able to use the same photo twice. One of our other lessons was to create an animation answering the question, “Why do you believe in God?” It created a lot of interesting discussions, and we even shared a some of them with some teachers. There are some stills of an animation attached below.
The Awesome Astronauts
Middle Primary - Jordan Morrison
This term, we had the first ever Year 4 Camp. After some original nerves, the students were able to jump in and experience some fantastic opportunities to focus on healthy minds, healthy food, healthy bodies and working as a team.
Uncle Dan filled our spiritual cups by talking to us about our thoughts and minds, ensuring our thoughts are focused on building our spiritual health and being our own brain boss in how we cement our thoughts. Using Jelly, Uncle Dan explained how Neural Plasticity worked with our spiritual thoughts. We did this by investigating different types of food, rock climbing, and various teamwork activities while focusing on our spiritual health across all aspects.
The students all had a fantastic time and embraced every opportunity, supporting each other along the way. As teachers and support staff, we were very thankful for our awesome students and the way they conducted themselves.
Upper Primary -Keren Healy
This term in Bible Study we have been studying analogies and metaphors of the bible. One of these analogies we looked at was God as the potter from Isaiah 64:8 “But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, you are the potter; and we are all the work of your hand.” To help the students understand the analogy, our class did some work with clay in art for ourselves. First the students were required to make a “pinch pot” shape using their hands. These needed to be thick and strong enough to withstand the firing process. After this they added details to make them animals or creatures of their choice, using clay attachment techniques. We really enjoyed the process of getting our hands dirty and realised that clay is not always the easiest medium to manipulate, driving home the spiritual lessons that Uncle Vit taught us.
Thanks to Uncle Adrian Petiet we were able to fire the pots in the school kiln and then paint them and add extra details. We then sprayed them to protect them from the elements. Here are some of our finished products.
Upper Primary - Rachel Morrison
A new adventure was to be had!
Travelling to the unknown Wirraway Homestead. Excited murmurs all around, with a bus packed to the brim with luggage and children! Stepping off the bus we were met with a multitude of activities that encompassed varying interests. Teamwork, resilience, friendship, lack of sleep, being at one with God’s nature were all big parts of our Year 6’s journey.
They conquered fears, they built stronger relationships, they took time to meditate on God’s word and most of all they worked together. They herded sheep, went for walks in the bush, climbed on low ropes, succeeded in archery, raced around, built shelters and the biggest hit, horse riding and taking care of horses.
A huge success, many happy and lasting memories, an amazing end to their last year of Primary School.
Here are some reflections from the students:
"The meals at camp were very exciting. They were all different and not the same. They were very nice I went back for seconds. It was lovely." – Alex
"Best experience I have had horse riding" – Phoebe
"Riding horses was very fun" – Sarah
"Horse riding was harder than you think" – Lilli
Lower Secondary - Jo Cheek
Lower Secondary - Amy Flood
Here are a few photos from the Year 8 Food Technology assessment. Students went stir-crazy (!) designing and presenting two serves of a stir fry dish suitable to sell at a fast-food chain. Their recipes had to be healthy and incorporate at least 4 different seasonal vegetables. Students created their own logos and nutritional panels to package and label their products according to Australian legislation.
Lower Secondary - Jared Burney
In week six 19 students and three staff members from Heritage College Knox in Melbourne made the long journey west to visit us in Adelaide.
They arrived on the Heritage Adelaide site on Tuesday morning to great excitement and nervous energy from the year 8s who had been working remotely with them since the end of last term. Tuesday was spent showing the visitors around the school, preparing for their night of the notables exhibits on Thursday night and competing in soccer and basketball. Adelaide was narrowly beaten in Basketball while managing to take a win in the soccer. We all then travelled out to stay overnight at Hebron. That night students enjoyed an amazing games night (thanks to Cam Crispin) ending with some teachers with whipped cream and cheese puffs on their face to the delight of all the students.
On Wednesday we all travelled to the Kuipto forest tree climb. Students spent the day in the trees and walking the trail through the forest. That evening we read 1 Timothy 4 and considered how some things in this life are good for a little time, but godliness is forever. We then sang some spiritual songs together before heading off to bed.
On Thursday we returned to the Adelaide site for a quiz challenge. Students got into mixed teams of Adelaide and Knox students and completed questions from their school subjects as well as physical and artistic challenges. Students then spent the afternoon preparing themselves for the night of the notables. Parents arrived that evening and had a wonderful dinner (Thanks to Mark Seaman who also kept students well fed for the week) before seeing all the hard work the students had been doing. The night was an immense success and the students had engaging activities for all ages to share what they had learned about their notable Bible character. The Knox students headed back to Hebron that night before making the long journey home on Friday.
Lower Secondary - Dan Crispin
The Year 9 students recently embarked on an exciting sailing trip to West Lakes. Their day was filled with ‘learning the ropes’ of sailing, team challenges, and most importantly, a lot of fun. Starting with the basics, students worked together to understand sailing techniques and theory. Under supervision, they took turns practicing before venturing out to follow the leader in his tacking dinghy. What was meant to be an orderly activity turned into all-out racing. They tested their skills, cutting corners and manoeuvring (with some trailing a nudging technique) through the water. A good mix of laughter and screaming filled the waterways. It was great to see the group working together as they faced challenges and made lasting memories together.
Upper Secondary - Chris Ryan
A great day was spent on the water out of Mundoo Channel Boat ramp across to the Coorong with the Year 9/10 Outdoor Education class on Friday week 5. Highlights included enthusiastic and prepared students who paddled strongly, following a good preparation day at Garden Island earlier in the term.
It was interesting watching students get out and walk on low tide as well!
The walk to the Ocean was dramatic – so was the Bronze whaler! It was caught by a local fisherman.
Students were well prepared with appropriate clothing and lunch and nicely packed water bags for the trip. Safety was paramount and students prepared p.f.ds and kayaks ready for the day. They enjoyed the planning, preparation and reflection that was needed to get the most from the experience and for the day to run successfully. Students were well organised, enabling bus pick ups on the way to and from Goolwa as well as an early morning start at Heritage College for the Northern students, to run smoothly.
At the start of the day, we spent a fantastic hour at the Shaw’s Currency Creek vineyards where everyone was engaged with the stories and lessons of the vine and associated learning. A real highlight.
Student led “bus entertainment” was fun and helped on a long trip. Students also led the daily Bible readings from Thessalonians, with an on-board microphone to ask questions and summarise the readings for the day. It was a real highlight, to hear students reading and engaging in the Bible on the bus trip!
So good !
Lastly, we enjoyed a planned bakery stop with pre ordered hot food, chocolate donuts and drinks, ready to enjoy on the long trip home.
Thanks to parents who were on time allowing a smooth trip home for everyone.
Thanks to Uncle Tim Badger, Uncle Adrian Petiet and Uncle Ben Pitcher and Elliot Pitcher.
It is great to run these trips ourselves and share wonderful times with the students.
Upper Secondary - Tim Badger
Friday we held our annual Tabloid Sports afternoon organised by the Year 10’s with the Year 9’s as captains of the teams. The weather was perfect and was enjoyed by both those participating and the parents that came to watch. The games included speed relays, obstacles to manoeuvre, and flying water balloons to dodge. Thanks to all who came out to watch and a big thanks to the students in my Year 10 Homegroup for their organisation and planning. Enjoy some photos below of the events!
Upper Secondary -Tom Burney
The Year 11 Physics class have now completed their exams and handed in their final tasks. They have gained a lot of knowledge and experience working with Physics over the course of the year and have especially had a bit of a taste of what physicists do in their final task, where they designed their own Physics experiment.
Students chose a physical situation to study, such as cars rolling down a slope, hot objects cooling down, or projectiles fired from a trebuchet. They considered possible factors that could affect the situation, then used their understanding of Physics to develop a hypothesis and design a method to test it.
There were challenges and unusual data to sift through but regardless of results it was a good opportunity to think about how our universe is designed in an organised way and follows predictable patterns. Just like we see physical order in God’s universe, we see spiritual wisdom and consistency in His Word.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork…The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.” (Psa 19:1-7)
HeLP Awards - Foundation Clark
Mila Casey for always completing her work to a very high standard.
Archie Milliken for being a patient and kind friend.
Asaph Edgecombe for always being responsible and caring of others.
Levi Witton for amazing improvement in neatness of handwriting!
Daphne Crompton for always doing her very best.
Simeon Todd for being a thoughtful and caring Jungle Friend.
Audrey Hornhardt for being a responsible helper in the classroom.
Maggie Wigzell for always being willing to help someone in need.
Abel Petiet for being a fun and friendly Jungle Friend.
Amos Coish for always being willing to help others out.
HeLP Awards - Foundation Saxon
Josephine Johns for using extremely neat letters in handwriting lessons.
Rosie Nayathottil for fantastic work in your Read Write Inc. group.
Violet Hill for an impressive improvement in your writing!
Anastaisa Luke for bringing non-fiction books to school to share frog facts for our iMaths investigation.
Finn Tretola for showing persistence in your writing, with great results!
Alice Badams for being a great problem-solver in maths.
Isabella Arnold for always working hard in class time and demonstrating responsible behaviour!
HeLP Awards - Year 1 Dodson
Maggie Crispin for doing an amazing job at reading and writing in Read Write Inc.
Willa Pan for always being a kind and caring member of our class.
Samuel Knowles for studiously finishing off his maths work.
Mia Badams for having a positive attitude towards learning.
Enrique Vainerere-Roncal for his diligent approach to all learning tasks.
Silas Camplin for always being willing to help out others with their learning tasks.
Lily Evans for being a thoughtful and caring member of our classroom.
Olive Jurevicious for doing an awesome job of learning the steps in the dance we are learning for Art.
HeLP Awards - Year 1/2 Bailye
Isabelle Jamieson for writing some amazing pieces of persuasive texts.
Imani Wiafe for being a responsible learner and working hard in class time.
Tessa Burney for showing creativity and logical thinking in her use of technology.
Grace Edgecombe for being a responsible student every single day!
Cruz Badams for being a great friend to his classmates.
Macey Neil for her bright, happy presence in the classroom.
Hosanna Schwarz for enthusiasm for writing persuasive texts.
HeLP Awards - Year 2 Bruce
Fergus Yuile for teaching an engaging lesson to the Year 3s on how to use keynote to show shape movements (flips, slides and turns).
HeLP Awards - Year 3/4 Morrison
All Year 4 Students for a fantastic camp, showing our 4 R’s at all times and over coming all obstacles to focus on your healthy lives.
Harrison Arnold for producing high quality work across all subjects and being a good friend to those in need.
Pippa Jeffress for always pursuing your best and for focusing on practical ways to approach difficult situations, especially with other students.
HeLP Awards - Year 3/4 Lagowski/Witton
Noah McKinlay for consistently showing initiative and thoughtfulness in class.
Jayne Davis-Shugg for applying her best effort in all learning areas.
Bentley Hyndman for working responsibly and diligently in literacy tasks.
Asaph Mitsos for always being willing to help get out and pack up the sports equipment in our PE lessons.
Parker Scott for always being willing to help get out and pack up the sports equipment in our PE lessons.
Toby Evans for working diligently and responsibly in literacy groups to complete work to a high standard.
Sophie Perks for a fabulously written ‘roll the dice’ narrative.
Macedon Pearce for helping others during our maths lesson on shape movements (flips, slides, turns) in keynote.
Ashton Galbraith for creating entertaining pieces of writing on curipod during our digital literacy sessions.
Michaela Healy for consistently using correct finger placements for touch typing.
HeLP Awards - Year 5/6 Hauser
Whole class for the interesting science demonstrations you prepared on the theme of light.
HeLP Awards - Year 5/6 Healy
Lewis Arnold for being brave and conquering his fears.
Dallas Farren for thoughtful and detailed answers in Novel Study.
Anastasia Williams for being brave in auditioning for Primary Musical.
Esther Beale for bravery in auditioning for Primary Musical.
Miah Wang for resilience and bravery in auditioning for Primary Musical.
HeLP Awards - Year 5/6 Morrison
Charlotte Scott for always looking out for others and being there for her friends.
Jarrah Gibbs for completing set work in the time given without complaint.
Alexis Pillion for focusing in math and completing her investigation in time
Jonathan Williams for being a great listener on camp and giving everything a go.
Aaliyah Roberts for staying focused in lessons and getting work done.
Archie Wolstencroft for always encouraging others and being a good role model.
Ruby Nolan for being courteous to everyone and diligent with her work.
Toby Archer for offering help to those around him without being asked twice.
October 16th - December 15th
- December 7th Year 6 Graduation Ceremony & Dinner
- December 8th Year 7-8 Last Day
- December 11th 2024 Foundation Students Transition Morning
- December 11th Year 1-7 Transition Morning
- December 13th Year 7-11 Reports Published to Sentral
- December 14th Foundation to Year 6 Reports Published to Sentral
- December 14th Primary Presentation Assembly
- December 15th Last Day of Term - Student Free Day/Staff Development Day
Principal Justin Robinson
Business Manager Adrian Maycock
Enquiries Front Desk
Staff Contact Details available on Sentral under "Resources:Miscellaneous Information: Heritage Contact List"
Scott Robson - Chairman/Human Resources | Tea Tree Gully ecclesia
Peter Evans - Deputy Chairman | Salisbury ecclesia
Rod Case - Finance | Enfield ecclesia
Nathan Jolly - Community | Cumberland ecclesia
Peter Tretola - Secretary | Burnside ecclesia
Josh Williams - Treasurer | Salisbury ecclesia
James Mansfield - Councillor | Mount Barker Ecclesia