Parents & Friends Association


The College has an active Parents & Friends (P&F) Association which meets twice a year. All parents are welcome and encouraged to become involved in P&F activities.

The functions of the P&F are to:

  • Provide a forum for the planning and implementation of College fundraising activities.
  • Suggest ideas for school improvement and organise meetings of general or specific interest to the parent community.
  • Provide support and assistance for major College events.
  • Provide support and services for parents as required (e.g. in the uniform shop, mentoring for new parents, etc.).

Working groups within the P&F that report back to the main committee meeting. These include:

  • Fundraising Group
  • Events Support Group

Officeholders are elected each year for a 1-year term.

If you have ideas to raise or would like to offer to help with any P&F functions, please email the P&F Association at